Now that the Coronavirus has caused huge changes to daily routines, I feel as if I had first been in shock and I have gone through a range
Meeting Life and Death
“If you would indeed behold the spirit of death, open your heart wide unto the body of life.For life and death are one, even as the river and
What if You Don’t Even Know the Right Questions?
Many of us are asking questions about our lives. Are we doing the ‘right’ thing? Are we in the ‘right’ relationship? Have we chosen the ‘best’ career for
Your Body and Food, Glorious Food
In the piece on Body, Feelings, Mind, Thoughts, Beliefs I suggested that your body is your best friend because if you are considerate and take care of it,
Looking at Feelings One by One – Fear
Many people come to me asking to find ways of overcoming fear and leaving it behind. I wonder about why that is so. Fear is a valuable feeling
Looking at Feelings One by One – Sense of Wonder
The feelings that we experience and need to embrace are not simply the negative ones. We have every right to enjoy the positive ones. If we block and
Looking at Feelings One by One – Grief
Grief is one of the most healing, in my view, of all our feelings. Yet how many of us allow ourselves to grieve for the enormous losses we
Looking at Feelings One by One – Anger
Anger is a clear, clean emotion and we as human beings have been given anger as one of the useful emotions we can use to get through life.
Relationship To That Which Is Greater Than Us – The Intelligent Universe?
Do you have a relationship with the Divine or the Intelligent Universe or Cosmos or any of that? Do you believe that you are Spirit here and now
Seriously, Why Are You Here?
Seriously, Why Are You Here?I am asking you why you are here, not in this room or this office or looking at this website, but why are you