I have no testimonials on my website because I do not think that one person’s experience in an individual session, psychotherapy or supervision can ensure that your experience will be as you would wish.
The services that I offer are bespoke services, by which I mean that they are individually tailored for each person. These services are not of the ‘one size fits all’ variety. I truly believe that these services can best be judged by experiencing them.
I have never asked a client for a testimonial but I have had many clients give me cards expressing their appreciation for our work, telling me how much it has meant to them and how much they are grateful for the improvements in their lives.
I am not everybody’s taste which is why I usually suggest that you come first for an individual session to see if you are comfortable with me and if we both feel that we could work productively together. Then I might also suggest that you try six sessions and see if you wish to continue after you have experienced them.
I have faith in my work with people and my clients say they benefit from the work we do. They often return later when life becomes difficult even after we have completed our initial work together.